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Words, brains, & other hot sex

This is a group for brains, not brawn, for intelligent conversation, for the freedom to talk about anything, not just sex, and even for local members to get together - not necessarily for group sex, but to talk, explore, idealize, and enjoy each other's company. We're all inclusive, and want to learn about other's lifestyles. We're about art and ideas, come on - let's get to it! This site is in part because I can't find the smart conversations I've had with members in the past. Will you join?

各種話題: 建議, 成熟/年齡差異, 肛交, 臀部迷戀, 汽車, 黑人熟女, 特殊性喜好, 啤酒和酒類, 雙性戀, 身體穿刺, 書籍/雜誌, 胸部迷戀, 城市&鄰近地區, 電腦及網際網路, 烹飪, 緊身褡, 舔陰, 下流的對話, 支配慾很強的女子, 畢業/學校/Alumni, 娛樂, 情色藝術, 口交, 調情, 戀足癖, 遊戲, 男同志/女同志, 群體性交, 戀髮癖, 健康, 三溫暖, 國際的, 乳膠, 皮類, 戀腿癖, 女用貼身內衣褲, 已婚的伴侶, 按摩, 醫療效果, 解放陣線, 音樂, 裸體主義者, 年長伴侶, 開放的友誼關係, 其它, 互外活動, 雙親, 電話性愛, 劈腿族, 流行文化, 私人派對, 消遣娛樂&體育活動, 宗教&信仰, 角色扮演, 安全性行為, 科學&技術, 情趣玩具, 戀鞋癖, 假性換妻, 打屁股, 意見, 換妻俱樂部, 換妻俱樂部會議, 性開放, 佛教經典, 刺青, 3P, 變性/ 扮裝者, 旅遊, 制服/服裝, 影音/照相術, 觀淫癖, 婚禮/結婚儀式, 豐滿, 寫部落格

rm_WordsWolf 57男

只有已經在FuckBook Sex註冊的會員可以加入此俱樂部。點選 這裡 來註冊。

在Words, brains, & other hot sex的主題

A lot of missed opportunities? rm_WordsWolf52  1  2018-11-29
Kinda pissed off rm_WordsWolf27  0  2019-03-17
Don't miss it...Babette and Albie fucking in a tree... rm_WordsWolf20  0  2019-03-09
A real hot conversation rm_WordsWolf28  1  2019-02-24
Cock pics? Are you kidding? rm_WordsWolf37  0  2019-02-23
More women writers! rm_WordsWolf7  0  2019-02-19
Being Owned rm_WordsWolf26  0  2019-02-14
My writing rm_WordsWolf7  0  2019-02-09
Questions about the site rm_WordsWolf11  0  2019-02-02
Dirty rm_WordsWolf16  0  2019-01-31
A fine bristle brush rm_WordsWolf29  1  2019-01-29
Just keeping it up rm_WordsWolf8  0  2019-01-06
We're all here for HOT sex rm_WordsWolf36  0  2018-12-30
3's the charm? Or 30?... 300? rm_WordsWolf13  0  2018-12-23
WTF, what's Joanie doing here? rm_WordsWolf31  0  2018-12-17
Deep, deep desire rm_WordsWolf13  0  2018-12-09
Speedsex... 123 rm_WordsWolf24  0  2018-12-09
Fantasy... waking up rm_WordsWolf9  0  2018-12-08
American gods and imperfectly luscious people. rm_WordsWolf30  0  2018-12-08
Thousands of views... rm_WordsWolf9  0  2018-12-07
The wonderful things in life rm_WordsWolf7  0  2018-12-05
Beauty rm_WordsWolf17  0  2018-12-05
It really is that hard! rm_WordsWolf11  0  2018-12-05
Danger hound rm_WordsWolf5  0  2018-12-05
Honey wine, her luscious liquor rm_WordsWolf14  0  2018-12-03
Getting it up, hardly... rm_WordsWolf8  0  2018-12-02
Eager or anxious rm_WordsWolf5  0  2018-12-02
I just have a minute to slip it in... rm_WordsWolf20  0  2018-11-30
Evidence based sex - white vs. black rm_WordsWolf19  0  2018-11-30

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995fun, rm_WordsWolf

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